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metric prefixes are used worldwide to refer to large numbers
prefix mega is symbolized M
prefix giga is symbolized G
mega means 10 to the sixth power
giga means 10 to the ninth power
communicate more clearly with metric prefixes
read more about SI (international system of units)
read more about ICAS (integrated chronological applications system)
read AAT ICAS poster about metric terms for large and small numbers

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herbarium d4G25 9505
blossoms in rain d3S29 1673
deer at Yosemite d2J09 3438
Fritillaria Purdyi d5P15 3564
poppies at Redwood d5Q30 3594
strawberry at Tilden d5R05 3664
blackberry blossom at Tilden d5R05 3687
alpine meadow d3V05-4757
sunflower at Filoli d3V16 5239
bee at Filoli d3V16 5298
leaf at work d4G26 9516
spring rain clouds d5R07 3719 copyright © 2015 UCA and prior, Ronald L Stone, all rights reserved. terms of use. contact. document updated:
UCN 12015 U04 Green ✦ IDC UT t847 tt083
day of year 184
AD 2015 July 03 Friday ✦ SMH UT 20:19:48
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